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What training resources are available for electronic health record implementation?

While training office staff and clinicians is one of the larger costs of electronic health record (EHR) implementation, training is crucial to realizing the full potential of your EHR. You can also use the following training materials, training tips, and educational opportunities to ensure your organization is ready for EHR implementation.

Training Materials

  • The Health IT Workforce Curriculum Components External Links Disclaimer website offers free health IT training materials. You can set up a profile External Links Disclaimer and use the materials to create training programs for office staff and clinicians in your organization.
  • Stratis Health produced a Training Plan External Links Disclaimer to help health care organizations identify special considerations for EHR implementation training. The tool describes the types of training that may be necessary during EHR implementation and provides a table to ensure each staff member is trained accordingly.
  • The National Health IT Collaborative for the Underserved’s Workforce Development & Training External Links Disclaimer section provides several resources for health IT training, including a workforce needs assessment for safety net providers, a healthcare workforce training matrix tool, and a resource list of health IT educational and credentialing organizations.

Training Tips

Educational Opportunities

In addition to the training resources above, Regional Extension Centers (RECs) are located in every region of the country to help health care providers select, implement, and become adept and meaningful users of electronic health records (EHR). Contact your local REC to inquire about available training resources. For more information about RECs, see Where can I find local electronic health record implementation support?

Implementing EHRs – Conducting Training and Implementing an EHR

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