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Acquisition Solutions for Furniture and Furnishings

Furniture acquisition solutions image

Whether it is an office, a dormitory, a classroom, or an industrial setting, GSA provides the needed furniture, furnishings, and furniture-management services. GSA has everything from individual items to packaged rooms to floor coverings.

Following are three cross-MAS groupings to meet your furniture and furnishings needs.


From healthcare exam rooms to lobbies, GSA has what agencies need. GSA offers office furniture, turnkey packaged rooms, household and quarters furniture, and special-use furniture for food service, training, and educational settings.


GSA offers an array of floor coverings (including carpet, resilient surfaces, and mats) as well as furnishings (including lighting, wall art, and window treatments).



For everything from design services to reconfiguration to relocation management to project management, see GSA Schedules. GSA's full-service Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center (IWACenter) can meet large or complex requirements and can work with smaller quantities.


For information on other products and services solutions available through GSA, see the Acquisition Solutions page.

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Furniture and Furnishings Solutions

Ways to Buy

There are a variety of ways to obtain Furniture and Furnishings products and services through GSA. Pick the method that best fits your needs.


GSA eLibrary is the online source for the latest contract award information for GSA Schedules; Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Schedules; and Technology Contracts, including Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), Network Services and Telecommunications Contracts, and Information Technology (IT) Schedule 70. GSA eLibrary is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide up-to-date information on which suppliers have contracts and what services and items are available.


Agencies can turn to a Contractor Team Arrangement (CTA) when no single vendor can satisfy their specific needs.

FAR 51 expands the authority of contractors to use GSA sources of supply, including GSA MAS contracts.

Our full-service Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center (IWAC) is poised to provide agencies with support as needed. You can choose full-service assisted acquisition for large or complex requirements or establish a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to fulfill recurring requirements.

To place orders for smaller ordering quantities and have limited contracting support, the NSN ordering program offers a prime solution. These single-award contracts have already been completed, simplifying the ordering process. For more information on BPAs or NSNs, email


GSA Advantage!® provides access to thousands of contractors and millions of supplies (products) and services.

e-Buy, a component of GSA Advantage!®, is an online Request for Quotation (RFQ) tool.

GSAXcess® lists GSA's worldwide online inventory of excess personal property.

GSA Global Supply™ offers access to approximately 400,000 tools, office supplies, computers, and other supplies.

Furniture, Furnishing, packaged furniture, floor covering, office systems, Executive Conference Room Tables,