Bipartisan Support for Jobs and Affordable American Energy in House Fight to Stop the War on Coal

September 21, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – In the ongoing effort to protect jobs and affordable energy, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.3409, the Stop the War on Coal Act. The legislative package passed the full House with bipartisan support by a vote of 233 to 175. This important jobs and energy package, sponsored by Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH), includes key measures advanced by the Energy and Commerce Committee: the Energy Tax Prevention Act, the TRAIN Act, and the Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act. The legislation also includes important measures advanced by the Natural Resources Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

“Today, the House took a stand for jobs, families, and affordable energy. On Tuesday this week, we learned of Alpha Natural Resources will be closing 8 mines and laying off 1200 workers. I met with the Alpha CEO shortly after the announcement, and he lamented the administration’s regulatory assault on coal. Sadly, the list of layoffs goes on because of the administration’s ‘all of the above, but nothing from below,’ energy policy,” said Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI). “Coal is the cornerstone of our economy – estimates suggest that every mining job creates an additional 3.5 jobs. We are electricity independent – and we want to stay that way.”

“I was pleased to join the majority in the House in passing the Stop the War on Coal Act,” said Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-KY). “The EPA’s outright assault on coal is having a destructive effect on our economy, and we will likely see more and more coal-fired power plants closed and more mining operations shut down due to EPA’s outrageous expansion of regulations.  At a time of high unemployment rates, President Obama and his EPA should be working with coal states to create and retain jobs, rather than thwarting economic growth and causing miners to lose their jobs. Implementing this legislation will preserve jobs, and help our struggling economy.”

Earlier today, members from the Energy and Commerce Committee, the Natural Resources Committee, and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, joined a group of West Virginia coal miners to rally support for this legislation that will stop costly new EPA rules from killing jobs and driving up electricity prices. Josh Nelson, a coal miner from Boone County, West Virginia, praised the House for its support and urged the Senate to take up this piece of commonsense legislation, stating, “This is a proven jobs bill that needs to be passed.” Watch HERE

To learn more about the Stop the War on Coal Act, click HERE.