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Health Communication and Training

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) collaborates with federal, state and local agencies to provide health communication and technical training programs to benefit industry professionals and the public.

ORISE works closely with these agencies to prepare for and address public health challenges resulting from pandemics (such as H1N1 influenza virus), large-scale disasters, terrorism and other national and international emergencies. We specifically focus our efforts on health communication planning, international and community workshops, media monitoring and social media messaging.

ORISE also specializes in audience- and multimedia-based approaches to health communication. These methods broaden the scope and reach of messages that address public health challenges, such as the spread of infectious diseases, chronic diseases, and other health threats.

CDC MessageWorks logo

HealthCommWorks to Help Health Communicators More Effectively Disseminate Key Messages

ORISE partnered with the CDC to launch HealthCommWorks, which is designed to help health communication professionals develop and disseminate effective messages.

Nurse Triage Line Stakeholders Meeting graphic

ORISE Contributes to CDC Public Health Policy Competition Win

The CDC Influenza Coordination Unit recently won the 2012 Annual Public Health Policy Competition for a proposal to explore the use of nurse triage lines during an influenza pandemic.