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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

NIJ Conference 2011: Interviews

Brief interviews with panelists and presenters on a variety of criminal justice topics were recorded at the 2011 NIJ Conference.

Title and Date Link to Media
Collaboration Between Researchers and Law Enforcement Agencies
Michel Moore, Director, Office of Special Operations, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles, Calif.
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with Michel Moore, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:59)

Transcript of the interview

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Translating Science from Research Agencies to Policymakers and Practitioners
Patrick Gallagher, Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with Patrick Gallagher, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:43)

Transcript of the interview

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Crimesolutions.gov: "What Works" in Criminal Justice, Juvenile Justice and Crime Victim Services
Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with Edward Latessa, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:04)

Transcript of the interview

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Keeping Police Officers Safe on the Road
John E. Shanks, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with John Shanks, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:04)

Transcript of the interview

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Beyond Community Policing: The Importance of Community Building
Michael Davis, Chief of Police, Brooklyn Park Police Department, Minn.
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with Michael Davis, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:03:01)

Transcript of the interview

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Action Research and the Community to Criminal Justice Feedback Loop
Edward Davis, Police Commissioner, Boston Police Department, Mass,
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with Edward Davis, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:09)

Transcript of the interview

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Diminishing Resources & Gang Prevention
Mario Maciel, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services, San Jose, Calif.
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with Mario Maciel, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:23:17)

Transcript of the interview

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Preventing Kids From Gang-Joining: Collaboration Matters
Tom Simon, Centers for Disease Control
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Still image linking to the interview with Tom Simon, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:23:17)

Transcript of the interview

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A Look at NIJ Standards and Testing
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Debra Stoe, National Institute of Justice
Tom Sharkey, National Bomb Squad Advisory Committee
Ed Bailor, U.S. Capitol Police (ret.).
Still image linking to the video A Look at NIJ Standards and Testing, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:05:40)

Transcript of the interview

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Learning from 9/11: Forensic Science and Identifying Human Remains
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Robert Shaler, Pennsylvania State University (ret.).
Still image linking to the video Learning from 9/11: Forensic Science and Identifying Human Remains, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:10)

Transcript of the interview

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Terrorism Research Before and After 9/11
NIJ Conference
June 2011
Gary LaFree, Director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism, University of Maryland
Still image linking to the video Terrorism Research Before and After 9/11, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:08)

Transcript of the interview

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Making Community Supervision Safer through Electronic Monitoring
NIJ Conference
June 2011
George Drake, Community Corrections Program Manager, Corrections Technology Center of Excellence
Still image linking to the video Making Community Supervision Safer through Electronic Monitoring, requires flash

Video of the interview (00:02:56)

Transcript of the interview

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The Stockholm Prize in Criminology
NIJ Conference
June 2011
John Laub, Director, National Institute of Justice
Robert Sampson, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, Harvard University

NIJ Director John H. Laub, and his long-time research partner Robert J. Sampson  received the 2011 Stockholm Prize in Criminology. They received the award for their research on how and why criminals stop offending. Doctors Laub and Sampson discuss their work on longest life-course study of criminal behavior ever conducted. They found that even highly active criminals can stop committing crimes after key turning points in life. These turning points include marriage, military service, employment and the joining of other institutions and social networks that result in a cutting off of one's ties to offending peer groups.
Still image linking to the video The Stockholm Prize in Criminology, requires flash

Video of the interview (5 segments, 00:23:17)

Transcript of the interview

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Date Modified: November 16, 2011