Electronic Records Archives (ERA)
Partnerships in Innovation:  The National Archives and Records Administration and the University of Maryland Program Coordinating Committee

Partnerships in Innovation

"Partnerships in Innovation"is a conference series that highlights current partnerships between universities, government agencies, and private sector communities that are collaborating to address the challenges of preserving electronic records.

This conference is hosted by the Program Coordination Committee (PCC) of the University of Maryland and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Over the years, this collaboration has resulted in joint research efforts, conferences and symposia, public programs, initiatives, and technology research that addresses current shared problems in information access.

  • 2008: Partnerships in Innovation II: From Vision to Reality and Beyond,
    October 7-8, 2008.

  • 2004: Partnerships in Innovation: Serving a Networked Nation,
    November 15-16, 2004.

  • 2000: Digital Strategies 2000, November 16-17, 2000.

  • 1997: Going Digital: Research Resources and Trends at the National Archives,
    April 10, 1997.

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