FY 2013 Call for Proposals


February 29, 2012

To: R&D Division and Program Directors
cc: K. J. Beierschmitt, J. L. Binder, M. V. Buchanan, M. Keller, T. E. Mason, J. A. Nichols, B. K. Park, Y. Polsky, J. B. Roberto, N. R. Sauthoff, J. W. Smith, and S. S. Gleason─RC
From: Thomas Zacharia
Subject: FY 2013 Director’s R&D Fund Call for Proposals

Proposals are now being accepted for the FY 2013 Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Director’s R&D Fund.  This call seeks high-quality proposals that address the Laboratory’s research priorities as identified within the attached Director’s R&D Fund FY 2013 Research Priorities document. 

I encourage the submittal of proposals that offer potential for achieving breakthrough advances in scientific discovery and innovation, clean energy, and global security, particularly in those areas that take advantage of the Laboratory’s signature strengths in Neutron Science and Technology, Computing and Computational Science, Advanced Materials, and Nuclear Science and Engineering.  The Laboratory leadership has identified 4 major focus areas with specified strategic intent, and FY 2013 research priorities – detailed in the attached document – to strengthen ORNL’s leadership positions and to advance ORNL’s Laboratory Agenda Science and Technology (S&T) Initiatives. I strongly encourage you to engage the Associate Laboratory Directors as your staff develops proposals, as they can provide the guidance to best meet the needs of our research priorities. 

Information and guidance for submitting a proposal is provided in the Standards-Based Management System (SBMS) for LDRD. The submission process, full schedule and a copy of this call are available on the LDRD web site:  Lab Overhead Investment System (LDRD/PD).  Questions concerning the Director’s R&D Fund should be directed to Yarom Polsky, LDRD Manager (Bldg. 4500N, MS-6250, 576-0593, LDRD_manager@ornl.gov).
