Hensarling on Fox & Friends

June 25, 2012

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) appeared on Fox & Friends this morning with Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to discuss the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on the president’s health care law and the ongoing investigation into the “Fast & Furious” scandal.

Hensarling on the upcoming Supreme Court decision:

“My gut tells me I don't know what the Supreme Court is going to do. But I do agree with Kevin. What’s the most important thing is the American people still want to make sure that they have patient-centered health care where they make decisions, that they get quality health care at a price they can afford, and for the majority of American people, that means the president's health care program has to go away.”

Hensarling on moving forward after the ruling:

“There are some provisions that the major insurance companies … have already announced that they plan to keep. … But I think, again, what's most important is let's not make the mistakes of the past which is to rush through a 2,800-page bill in a matter of weeks behind closed doors. We're still learning more about the behind-closed-doors shenanigans that took place with respect to the pharmaceutical companies. So step number one is going to be, let's listen to the American people and employ the Hippocratic oath: first, do no harm. Again, people by and large were happy with the quality of their health insurance. It was the affordability. The president promised us if we voted for his health care plan it would become more affordable, yet the average family of four is paying $2,200 more for a policy than they were before Obamacare.”

Hensarling on Obama’s use of executive privilege in regard to the “Fast & Furious” scandal:

“Well, one, it’s something that the president threw in at the 11th hour if not the 11th hour plus 30, and it begs the question … we thought that the Oval Office was not involved. How can you exercise executive privilege now over documents that have been discussed for months and months and months? And so in some respects it’s kind of like the White House put themselves front-and-center in the middle of this. Of course, I don’t know. I suppose the cynic in me says if I was the president and I presided over this economy for 3 ½ years, I’d find any way to change the subject whatsoever.”


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