Republican Leadership Press Conference

March 29, 2012

March 29, 2012


Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)

Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI)

Policy Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA)

Congressman Diane Black (R-TN)

Congressman Marlin Stutzman (R-IN)

Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA)

Congressman Bill Flores (R-TX)

Congressman Reid Ribble (R- WI)  

Chairman Hensarling: 

“Last week Secretary Geithner came to Capitol Hill to warn us of the threat of the European debt crisis to the American economy.  The American people know that the greater threat to the American economy is the American debt crisis.  The debt is the seminal issue of our time, and as a nation we have reached a crossroads and there are two different paths.  The president’s path-$11 trillion dollars more debt on top of the $5 trillion that he has already given us, from the man who promised us he would cut the deficit in half.  A man who takes an unsustainable spending trajectory and makes it even more unsustainable.  A man who acknowledges the drivers of our debt crisis but within his budget refuses to deal with them.  A president who adds the largest single tax increase in American history, much of it to fall upon struggling working families and small businesses.  That is the path to decline, that is the path to national bankruptcy.  And perhaps that is why his budget received zero votes on the floor of the United States House of Representatives. 

“House Republicans, under the leadership of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan offered a very different path.  One that actually changes the spending trajectory of our nation.  $5 trillion dollars less than the president, ensures that our government does not grow beyond its traditional 20 percent of GDP so that the federal budget doesn’t outgrow the ability of the family budget to pay for it.  Fundamental tax reform to bring us jobs, hope, economic growth, and one that preserves and strengthens our healthcare program for current and future seniors and actually deals with the problem.  That is the path to opportunity.  That is the Path to Prosperity.  That is the budget House Republicans just passed.”


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