Hensarling Statement on President Obama's Budget Proposal

February 13, 2012

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding President Obama’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2013. 

“The president’s economic agenda is failing our job creators, our seniors, and our children and grandchildren. This budget doubles down on the same failed policies, offers zero solutions to save or strengthen our nation’s health and retirement security programs, and will only make our spending-driven debt crisis worse. 

“For the fourth year in a row, the White House should have written its budget in red ink instead of black. It does nothing to address the real drivers of our debt, but does everything to accelerate our nation’s slide into bankruptcy while bludgeoning job creation and economic growth with higher taxes and more spending. 

“Because he can’t stand by his record, the president is forced to turn to the politics of envy and division. What is fair about proposing the largest tax increase in history on small business job creators? What is fair about spending more money we don’t have and kicking the can down the road so our children and grandchildren are saddled with this debt crisis? 

“The president told us that by the end of his first term he would cut the deficit in half. Instead, his spending policies have saddled us with our nation’s first, second, third and fourth trillion-dollar deficits and the largest debt we have had as a percentage of our economy since World War II. This budget is an admittance of his failure to control spending – but we don’t have to accept defeat. 

“House Republicans have a Plan for America’s Job Creators that includes making our tax code fairer, flatter and simpler and repealing job-destroying spending like the government takeover of healthcare. Most importantly, our plan includes a budget that actually tackles our major debt-drivers head-on by putting the programs our seniors depend on most on a path to sustainability. It’s time for the president and Democrats in the Senate to take the advice of even his own jobs council and give our bills the support they deserve.”


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