Hensarling Statement on Latest Unemployment Report, House GOP Plan for America's Job Creators

December 2, 2011

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding the latest unemployment report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the urgent need for Democratic leaders to support the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators

“Today’s unemployment report reminds us why the American people are so fed up with the Obama economy – it’s only brought about more power for Washington, more debt for our children and grandchildren, less confidence for job creators, and far too few jobs for Americans. 

“With this morning’s news, our nation’s jobless rate has now been stuck at or above 8 percent for 34 straight months and at 9 percent or higher for 28 of those months. Not since the Great Depression has unemployment in America been so high for so long. 

“Fostering job growth remains job number one for House Republicans. By following the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators we have successfully passed more than 25 bipartisan jobs bills so far this year. Unfortunately, more than 20 of these bills continue to be ignored and opposed by Democrat leaders in the Senate and White House. 

“The lack of leadership by the president and his party and their refusal to put America’s employment needs before their election needs is only making the path to recovery longer and harder for job seekers and job creators. 

“When it comes to job creation, House Republicans are continuing to do the job that Democrats have proved they can’t do. While Democrats dither, House-passed jobs bills continue to stack up like cordwood on Senator Reid’s doorstep and three more bills will be added to that pile by the end of this week. Each of these bills will encourage an environment of greater confidence for our nation’s businesses and entrepreneurs to build, invest, expand, and put millions of Americans back to work. 

“With the Christmas season now upon us, there is no better gift that the Democrat-run Senate could give the nation than to give our jobs bills the approval they deserve so Americans can see the job growth they deserve and have been waiting for.”


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