The Daily Truth about the Democrats' National Energy Tax

July 14, 2009

Truth #11: Liberal Democrats Tell Real Estate Appraisers How to do Their Jobs

What the bill does: Mandates federal standards for state certification of real estate appraisers to ensure that appraisers consider, and are qualified to consider, renewable energy sources or energy efficiency and conservation improvements in determining the value of the property. Instead of providing a “non-binding recommendation,” as the federal government has previously done, this provision represents a federal mandate on state certification requirements for real estate appraisers. (H.R. 2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Sec. 299A, p. 650.)

What this means for Americans: This is another example of big-government knows best, with Washington D.C. telling realtors how to do their jobs.  And at a time when many states are struggling to provide basic services, such as health care and unemployment compensation, Democrats in Washington propose yet another unfunded mandate that will further strain state budgets. 


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