This Week's TriFacta for October 15

This Week's TriFacta for October 15

Jobs and the Economy  The Standard of Living Falls in President Obama’s Part-Time Economy: The number of Americans forced to work part-time because they cannot find full-time work in our...

Instead of expanding the size of government or raising taxes, Republicans in Washington are committed to a pro-growth economic agenda that will put America back to work. Read More »
Balance the Budget
Since President Obama took office the national debt has increased by $3.7 trillion. Only by permanently turning off the “leaking faucet” of federal spending can we truly stop the flood and save our children and grandchildren from drowning in a sea of debt they did not create. Read More »
The Budget
The House Republican majority introduced a Fiscal Year 2012 budget that moves the debate from billions in spending cuts to trillions. Read More »
In Depth: Pledge to America
In November 2010, the people voted to end business as usual. Hard work and tough decisions will be required of the 112th Congress. This is our guidebook as we move forward.
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