Graduate Student Requirements

All graduate students supported by Ames Laboratory funding are required to provide the Laboratory with an electronic copy of their thesis/dissertation so that it can be submitted to the Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).   The process is as follows:

  • DOE requires each thesis/dissertation to have an assigned document number.  When preparing your thesis/dissertation, please request a document number from Tessa Lemons via email at, or call her at 4-2618.
  • The thesis/dissertation must recognize Ames Laboratory's support; therefore, the statement below must appear in your acknowledgement section:

This work was performed at the Ames Laboratory under contract number  DE-AC02-07CH11358 with the U.S. Department of Energy.  The document number assigned to this thesis/dissertation is IS-T ____.

  • Please prepare the Thesis Submittal Form and submit to Tessa Lemons in concurrence with your thesis/dissertation submittal.  This signed form can either be scanned and sent to her electronically at, or you can mail the form to her in 311 TASF.  Your thesis/dissertation should be submitted electronically as a .pdf file emailed to (preferred), or you can submit on disk or flashdrive and turn in to 311 TASF.

The title to the copyright of the original of unclassified graduate theses and the original of related unclassified scientific papers shall vest in the author thereof, subject to the right of DOE to retain duplicates of such documents and to use such documents for any purpose whatsoever without any claim on the part of the author or the contractor for additional compensation.