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Congressional Testimony

Current Releases (2012) | Archive: 2011 , 2010 , 2009 , 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1998 , 1997
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Archived news releases may contain out dated contact names, telephone numbers, Web links, or other information. For up-to-date information visit pages by topic or contact a public affairs officer at 202-501-1231. For a list of public affairs officers by beat, visit the GSA Public Affairs page.
11/05/1997 GSA'S Actions to Implement the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
11/05/1997 Department of Transportation
10/23/1997 H.R. 2118, Prohibit Smoking in Federal Buildings
10/21/1997 H.R. 1522, National Historic Preservation Act Reauthorization
10/08/1997 FY'98 Leasing Program and General GSA Leasing Policy
10/08/1997 GSA'S Government Performance and Results Act strategic Plan
09/09/1997 H.R. 1849, Oklahoma City National Memorial
07/14/1997 Governor's Island (Field Hearing/GI, NY)
06/18/1997 Electronic Funds Transfer
06/03/1997 H.R. 404
05/15/1997 Innovative Financing for Acquiring Federal Real Estate and Scoring Issues
03/22/1997 Telecommuting
03/04/1997 Rent Shortfall