Licensing Opportunities

The Ames Laboratory’s Contract allows for Privately Funded Technology Transfer (PFTT). PFTT is a Contractor activity, which allows ISU to perform patenting and licensing activities for the Laboratory. The ISU Research Foundation (ISURF) and ISU's Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer provides these services on behalf of the Laboratory.

Under PFTT, the Laboratory, Contractor, and inventors share in any monetary success derived from DOE funded intellectual property.  Royalties in excess of 5% of the Laboratory's budget are also shared with the US Treasury.  Ames Laboratory has been the only Laboratory to have returned royalty income to the US Treasury and has done so for the last 5 years.

For additional information on technologies available for licensing, visit the web site of the ISU Research Foundation then enter "Ames Lab" in the search field.  

DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy sponsors a searchable database of the National Laboratories' energy technologies available for licensing, and patents and patent applications. Please visit Energy Innovation Portal and enter “Ames Laboratory” in the search field.


Featured Technologies Available for Licensing