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Wednesday, August 29 – Chief economist Doms briefs the National Institute for Science and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership(MEP) Advisory Board members about the state of U.S. manufacturing.

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DOC Chief Economist Briefing the North American Steel Trade Committee

Washington, D.C. - Monday, July 16 - ESA's Chief Economist Mark Doms gave a macro-economic briefing with respect to manufacturing to the North American Steel Trade Committee at the White House Conference Center.  The Committee was established in 2003, under the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration to promote cooperation on policy matters affecting the North American steel market and industry.

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Employee Compensation per Hour by Major Industry, 2010

Specific findings from “The Benefits of Manufacturing Jobs” include on average, hourly wages and salaries for manufacturing jobs are $29.75 an hour compared to...
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Manufacturing Employment Has Expanded by 489,000 jobs or 4 percent since January

Manufacturing employment has expanded by 489,000 jobs or 4 percent since January 2010. This growth represents a 4 percent increase - the manufacturing industry's strongest cyclical rebound since the dual recessions in the early 1980's.

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New Report Showing Intellectual Property-Intensive Industries Contribute $5 Tril

Washington, D.C., April 11, 2012 - The U.S. Commerce Department today released a comprehensive report, entitled “Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: Industries in Focus,” which finds that intellectual property (IP)-intensive industries support at least 40 million jobs and contribute more than $5 trillion dollars to, or 34.8 percent of, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).  The...
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Statement from Commerce Secretary John Bryson on Retail Sales in February 2012

WASHINGTON – The Commerce Department’s Census Bureau today released retail sales data for February 2012. Retail and food services sales were $407.8 billion, up 1.1 percent from the previous month and up 6.5 percent from one year ago. This was consistent with private-sector forecasts. Excluding autos, retail and food services sales in February exceeded private sector expectations, coming in at $335.3 billion -- up 0.9 percent from January and up 6.4 percent from February 2011.

Statement from Commerce Secretary John Bryson on International Trade in Goods and Services in January 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of Commerce John Bryson issued the following statement today on the release of the January 2012 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services report by the Commerce Department’s Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis. U.S. goods and services exports in January 2012 were up 1.4 percent or $2.6 billion from the same period of 2011 to reach $180.8 billion. This marks the second consecutive month of export growth.  In January 2012, the U.S. realized record exports in total services ($52.2 billion), capital goods ($43.2 billion), and automotive vehicles ($12.7 billion). U.S. imports of goods and services increased by 2.1 percent to reach $233.4 billion, causing the U.S.