
ESA's White Receives 2010 Presidential Rank Award

WASHINGTON, November 29 — Secretary Gary Locke and Acting Deputy Secretary Rebecca Blank join ESA in congratulating James K. (Kim) White for receiving the Presidential Distinguished Rank Award.  Conferred by the President of the United States, the Distinguished Rank Award is considered the Nation’s highest civil service award, recognizing the extraordinary accomplishments of a small number of career Senior Executive  Service leaders, professionals, and scientists who have consistently demonstrated excellence in results-oriented leadership and unsurpassed service to the nation.

Statement from Commerce Under Secretary Rebecca Blank on the Second Estimate of GDP in the Third Quarter of 2010

WASHINGTON, November 23 — The U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis today released the second estimate of gross domestic product (GDP) for the third quarter of 2010. Real GDP grew at a 2.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, revised up from the advance estimate of 2.0 percent and slightly higher than private-sector expectations of a 2.4 percent increase. The upward revision reflected data that were not available for the advanced estimate.

September Marks the Fifth Consecutive Month of Double-Digit Travel and Tourism Export Growth

According to newly released data from the Commerce Department, international visitors traveling to the United States pumped an estimated $11.7 billion into the U.S. economy during the month of September, up $1.7 billion compared to the same period last year. This marks the fifth month of double-digit growth and ninth straight month of overall growth in U.S. travel and tourism exports. Total travel and tourism-related exports have increased, on average, $1.2 billion a month in 2010. (More)

Commerce Department Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Rebecca Blank Named Acting Deputy Secretary

WASHINGTON, November 18 — The U.S. Commerce Department announced today that Rebecca Blank, currently the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, will become its Acting Deputy Secretary. In her new, temporary role, she will focus on matters of management and policy for the department’s 12 bureaus, functioning as Commerce’s chief operating officer.

(More from the DOC Newsroom)

Broadband Adoption Rises While 'Gap' Persists; Digital Divide Not Simply Due to Socio-Economic Status

WASHINGTON, November 8 — The Department of Commerce's Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) today released a new report, “Digital Nation II,” that analyzes broadband Internet access and adoption across the United States. The study – the most comprehensive of its kind -- finds that socio-economic factors such as income and education levels, although strongly associated with broadband Internet use, are not the sole determinants of use; even after accounting for socioeconomic differences, significant gaps persist along racial, ethnic, and geographic lines. The report analyzes data collected through an Internet Usage Survey of 54,000 households conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau in October 2009.

Under Secretary Blank Keynotes U.S./German Innovation Conference

Washington, D.C. (November 2, 2010) - Under Secretary Blank gave the keynote address on "Innovation and Economic Growth" at a U.S./German Innovation Conference sponsored by the National Academies and DIW Berlin.

U/S Rebecca Blanks is interviewed by the German public television

She is pictured here being interviewed about the economy by "Phoenix" German public television earlier that same day.

Statement from Commerce Under Secretary Rebecca Blank on Personal Income and Outlays in September 2010

Personal income decreased 0.1 percent and real consumer spending increased 0.1 percent in September, according to data released today by the U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis. Real consumer spending in the third quarter was 2.6 percent higher, at an annual rate, than the second-quarter average. Real disposable personal income decreased 0.3 percent in September.