Publication Submission Instructions

WHO COMPLETES THIS FORM?   All NSLS users and staff members who have authored any publication in which research was performed in part or in whole at the NSLS. References are an important factor in our funding and a necessary part of our Department of Energy reporting process.

INSTRUCTIONS:   Submit this form separately for each publication reference.

  1. The reference must be for published work only (all "in press" references will be deleted).
  2. The reference must not have appeared in a prior year's Activity Report.
  3. The reference cannot be submitted more than once. If work was done on two beamlines, you must choose a primary and a secondary beamline. All duplicates will be deleted. It is suggested that you search our database to see if the reference is already listed.

    • To find publications currently in the NSLS database (1999 and newer), click here

FORMAT:   For all authors, enter only the first initial of the first name. Do not add a period after the initial. For titles of articles, reports, etc., use Initial Capitals (do not use lower or UPPER case text).

USE OF SYMBOLS:   Publication reference titles which contain symbols are often problems for online form submissions. Using your character map and the Arial MS Unicode font will help to reduce the conversion of symbols. You may submit this type of symbol over the web. If you are unable to enter a particular symbol, please make appropriate text modifications so that your reference reads correctly.

DEADLINE:   This system never closes. The deadline to add references into this system for the current fiscal year (October 1 - September 30) is October 1. Any submissions after that date will appear in the next fiscal year's report.

Publication Submission