End of Run Survey

As part of an annual U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) report, the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) and other DOE facilities are required to collect feedback via a user satisfaction survey. This information is used by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences and by the NSLS to improve user services and the facility. Please complete the survey after each experiment.

Your name or institution are not required, but please provide your e-mail address so that we may contact you for clarification, if needed, and to inform you of a solution plan, where applicable. Copies of the survey will be distributed to appropriate NSLS staff so that they may help in addressing your concerns.

If you feel a particular question does not apply to you, please select the answer N/A. All questions must be answered in order to submit the survey.

Beamline Used:
SAF No. (if known):
Start Date:      
End Date:      
Time requested this cycle:  (in days)
Time received this cycle:  (in days)
Name:  (optional)
Institution:  (optional)
Guest Number:  (optional)
E-mail:  (optional)
Check here if you would like to be contacted with a status report on your comments.

Choose one answer for each question. Please use the comments sections provided, especially if you answered "very dissatisfied" or "dissatisfied" for a specific question.

How satisfied were you with the fraction of the year that the facility operates?
How satisfied were you with the Beamtime scheduled (i.e., was beamtime delivered on schedule and were beamtime outages kept to a minimum)?:
How satisfied were you with the beam performance (i.e., was beam or service maintained close to specifications)?:
How satisfied were you with the support for users provided by the NSLS staff?
How satisfied were you with the support for users provided by the beamline staff?
Which of the following benefits have resulted or will soon result from your use of this facility this year? (check all that apply)
Created new fundamental knowledge (i.e., basic research)
Discovered other new knowledge (i.e., applied research)
Developed a new or improved product, process or technology (i.e.,development)
Dissemination of new knowledge via publication in peer-reviewed open literature
Dissemination of new knowledge via presentations at professional society meetings
Dissemination of new knowledge via other presentations
Acquired a patent
Furthered Department of Energy mission(s)
Obtained access to unique capabilities not available elsewhere (e.g., forefront experiments, one-of-a-kind instruments, distinctive materials or services)
Facilitated collaborative interactions (e.g., stimulated new ideas for future experiments, increased multidisciplinary work; enabled a new approach within your discipline)
Trained students (undergraduate, graduate or postdoctoral associate)
Other benefit(s); please specify in the box below:
How satisfied were you with the Safety Approval Form and the Beamline authorization processes?
How satisfied were you with the quality of general training (NSLS safety orientation, GERT, Stop Work) and BeamLine Operations and Safety Awareness (BLOSA)?
Are the training and safety procedures appropriate?
If not, how would you change them? Write your recommendations for Training and Safety below:
What would you like the NSLS to do differently in the future that would assist users (not mentioned above)?