General Information

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BNL Emergency Information

Reporting Emergencies | Examples of Emergencies | Automated External Defibrillators (AED) | Building Alarm Bells and Evacuation | BNL Site Emergency Sirens and Evacuation | Stop Work | Reporting Spills | Bomb Threat Checklist

Reporting Emergencies

In the event of an emergency dial x2222 or x911 using a BNL phone. Use x7032 for the hearing impaired. Cellular phones must use the complete telephone numbers: 631.344.2222, 631.344.7032. BNL Fire and Rescue will respond immediately. Then call the Control Room (NSLS - x2550, DUV-FEL - x5350) so that staff can coordinate the response to the emergency. There are also red fire alarm pull boxes located near most building exits that can be used to activate building alarm bells and to begin an evacuation. Any building occupant may pull an alarm if there is a situation requiring immediate building evacuation. Any person pulling an alarm should also: a) call extension 2222 and ext. 2550 if this can be done safely to provide information on the emergency to BNL Emergency Personnel and NSLS Operations staff; or b) evacuate the building, wait for Emergency Services to arrive and describe the emergency to them. Remember, leave the area if your safety is at risk.

Examples of Emergencies

You should call x2222 and then the Control Room (x2550) if:

  • you see someone with a serious medical problem or injury;
  • you notice a fire or evidence of fire (odor, smoke, etc.);
  • you see a hazardous material release or spill;
  • you receive a threatening phone call;
  • you see what you believe to be violence;
  • you see what you believe to be a hostage situation.

If you are not sure whether the problem or incident qualifies as an emergency, call the Control Room first and Safety Staff will evaluate the situation.

Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

AEDs may be found in four locations at the NSLS;

  • Bldg. 725: main lobby entrance
  • Bldg. 725: rear elevator, second floor
  • Bldg. 725: X-ray/RF power supply area
  • Bldg. 729: west entrance

Please see the NSLS Training Coordinator for CPR and AED training courses.

Building Alarm Bells and Evacuation

Alarm bells are used for building emergencies such as fires. EVACUATION IS REQUIRED. If you hear continued ringing of the alarm bells, stop work and make sure your work area is in a safe condition. Leave the building IMMEDIATELY using the nearest safe exit. The alarm bells are tested occasionally. These tests are announced using the building Public Address (PA) system. When evacuating the building go to the Outdoor Assembly Area and await further information and instructions. Outdoor Assembly Areas are posted at every building entrance. Listen to the public address systems for guidance. You may be asked to help determine who might still be in the building. DO NOT re-enter the building until given permission.

BNL Site Emergency Sirens and Evacuation

The BNL sirens are used for site-wide emergency notification. They are tested each Monday at noon. They may be difficult to hear in noisy experimental halls - always pay attention to building public address announcements. STEADY SIREN (constant pitch): go to NSLS Indoor Assembly Areas. Assembly Areas are posted at every building entrance. Listen to the public address system for guidance. INTERMITTENT SIREN (pitch rises and falls): Leave the BNL site immediately. If you have family in the apartment area or the child care facility, pick them up first and then leave the site. Dormitory and Guest House residents without transportation should go to Berkner Hall and await further instructions. SHELTER-IN-PLACE AREA will be used under certain circumstances. When instructed to do so, go to the aisle around the VUV Experimental Floor.

Stop Work

An imminent danger is one in which death, serious injury, damage to the environment, or significant equipment damage could result if immediate action is not taken. If you identify an imminent danger to personnel, equipment, or to the environment, you should issue a "Stop-Work Order": say to the person performing the work: "Stop Work! You are in imminent danger because..." Then report the situation immediately to the Control Room and to your supervisor. If the person refuses to comply, do not try to interfere either physically or verbally. If you receive a Stop Work Order, stop working immediately or at the first opportunity to do so safely. Notify an NSLS Op Co or the Control Room and your supervisor. Do not resume work until authorized by the NSLS Chairman or their Designee. IMPORTANT: Anyone who has been trained in these Stop Work procedures can issue a Stop-Work Order. You do not need to be an expert in the area of concern. There will be no Management reprisal for anyone who in good faith issues a Stop-Work Order in accordance with the conditions outlined in these Stop-Work Procedures.

Reporting Spills

Spills of chemical wastes or airborne releases must be immediately addressed to prevent injury to personnel or releases to the environment. Report minor spills to the Operations Coordinator or to the Control Room. Report the material, volume, and location of the spill. Major spills, or even a few drops to the soil or a waterway (including floor or sink drains), must be reported immediately by calling x2222. Then notify the NSLS Control Room at x2550. Spill response kits are located in various parts of the building and should be used to clean minor spills and prevent any release to drains.

Bomb Threat Checklist

If you receive a bomb threat REPORT THE CALL IMMEDIATELY TO BNL POLICE - DIAL x911, x2222, or x2238.

Try to make note of the caller's voice: if they are male or female, young, middle aged, or old, if their voice sounds calm, angry, excited, etc. If the voice sounds familiar, who did it sound like? Also make note of any background sounds you might hear such as street noises, factory machinery, animal noises, etc. Was the threat language well spoken, incoherent, a taped message read by the caller, etc.? Make note of the time the call was received, the time the caller hung up, the date, the number at which the call was received. Make note of the exact wording of the threat. Some key questions to ask the caller if possible:

  1. Where is the bomb right now?
  2. When will it explode?
  3. What does it look like?
  4. What kind of bomb is it?
  5. Why did you place it?
  6. What will cause it to explode?
  7. What is your name?
  8. What is your address?
  9. Are you part of an organization? What is it?
  10. Why are you warning us?
  11. Do you realize that innocent people could be hurt or killed?