
Cancer Center Support Grants (CCSGs) for NCI-designated Cancer Centers (P30)

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, January 7, 2016

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), invites new, renewal, resubmission or revision applications for P30 Cancer Center Support Grants (CCSGs) for NCI-designated Cancer Centers.


CCSGs support two types of cancer centers:


1) Comprehensive Cancer Centers, which demonstrate reasonable depth and breadth of research activities in each of three major areas: basic laboratory; clinical; and prevention, control and population-based research, and which have substantial transdisciplinary research that bridges these scientific areas; and


2) Cancer Centers, which are primarily focused on basic laboratory; clinical; and prevention, cancer control, and population-based research; or some combination of these components.



The purpose of both types of NCI-designated Cancer Centers is to capitalize on all institutional cancer research capabilities, integrating meritorious programs in laboratory, clinical, and population research into a single transdisciplinary research enterprise across all institutional boundaries.


Cancer Centers supported through this FOA are expected: to serve as major sources of discovery of the nature of cancer and of development of more effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis, and therapy; to contribute significantly to the development of shared resources that support research; to collaborate and coordinate their research efforts with other NCI-funded programs and investigators; and to disseminate research findings for the benefit of the community.



Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Drug Abuse Research (R21)

Closing Date for Applications: 
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is issued by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH).


The FOA is intended to support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research for up to 2 years in 4 priority areas, including:


1) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive medical system issues (e.g. opportunities to understand addiction services in the evolving health care system);


2) responses to emerging drug abuse-related HIV trends and topics (e.g. rapidly evolving drug abuse-related epidemics, time-sensitive policy or environmental changes);


3) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive criminal justice opportunities (e.g. new system and/or structural level changes) that relate to drug abuse and access and provision of health care service; and


4) responses to unexpected and time-sensitive prescription drug abuse opportunities (e.g., new state or local efforts).



It should be clear that the knowledge gained from the proposed study is time-sensitive and that an expedited rapid review and funding are required in order for the scientific question to be answered.



NEH: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Scholarly Editions and Translations grants support the preparation of editions and translations of pre-existing texts and documents of value to the humanities that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions.


These grants support full-time or part-time activities for periods of a minimum of one year up to a maximum of three years. Projects must be undertaken by a team of at least one editor or translator and one other staff member.


Grants typically support editions and translations of significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials, but other types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible.



NEH: Collaborative Research

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by a team of two or more scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of a minimum of one year up to a maximum of three years.


Support is available for various combinations of scholars, consultants, and research assistants; project-related travel; field work; applications of information technology; and technical support and services.


All grantees are expected to communicate the results of their work to the appropriate scholarly and public audiences. Eligible projects include


• research that significantly adds to knowledge and understanding of the humanities;


• conferences on topics of major importance in the humanities that will benefit scholarly research;


• archaeological projects that include the interpretation and communication of results (projects may encompass excavation, materials analysis, laboratory work, field reports, and preparation of interpretive monographs); and


• research that uses the knowledge and perspectives of the humanities and historical or philosophical methods to enhance understanding of science, technology, medicine, and the social sciences.




National Parks Service: 2013 Preservation Technology Training Grants

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, November 1, 2012

National Center for Preservation Technology Training (NCPTT) advances the application of science and technology to historic preservation. Working in the fields of archeology, architecture, landscape architecture and materials conservation, the Center accomplishes its mission through training, education, research, technology transfer and partnerships.


NCPTT seeks innovative projects that advance science and technology for historic preservation. The PTT Grants program funds projects that develop new technologies or adapt existing technologies to preserve cultural resources.


Projects may include, but are not limited to:


• laboratory or field research that explores or assesses novel or adaptive methods;


• training activities, including workshops, and course or curriculum development that promote the use of new or adaptive technologies;


• documentation using new methods;


• manuscript or website development that disseminates innovative preservation technologies; and


• meetings that convene experts to discuss the use of technologies to address preservation problems.




NCPTT does not fund “bricks and mortar” projects or straight-forward documentation projects using well-established methods.



Drug Abuse Aspects of HIV/AIDS (R01)

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, January 7, 2016

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) issued by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), encourages Research Project Grant (R01) applications to examine the drug abuse aspects of HIV/AIDS, including research on drug-related risk behaviors, addiction and HIV disease, and drug use/HIV-related co-morbidities and consequences.


Applications are needed to identify and predict changes in the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among injection and non-injection drug users and among their sexual partners; to develop and test interventions for primary and secondary HIV prevention, including drug treatment interventions; to improve HIV testing, counseling, and treatment services for those living with HIV/AIDS; and to address basic mechanisms involved in HIV infection and AIDS pathogenesis in the context of drug abuse and addiction.



Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) in Human Cancer for Years 2013 and 2014 (P50)

Closing Date for Applications: 
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), invite applications for P50 Research Center Grants for Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs).


The program will fund 5-year P50 SPORE grants to support state-of-the-art investigator-initiated translational research that will contribute to improved prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of an organ-specific cancer (or a related group of cancers). SPOREs are expected not only to conduct a wide spectrum of research activities, but also to contribute significantly to the development of specialized shared resource core facilities (cores), improved research model systems, and collaborative research projects with other institutions.


The research supported through this program must be translational in nature and must always be focused upon knowledge of human biology stemming from research using cellular, molecular, structural, biochemical, and/or genetic experimental approaches with the goal of a translational human endpoint within the 5 year term of the grant.


In addition, SPOREs must include both a Developmental Research Program for pilot studies and a Career Development Program to foster careers in organ-based translational science.



NCI: Research Answers to NCIs Provocative Questions

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) issued by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is to support research projects designed to use sound and innovative research strategies to solve specific problems and paradoxes in cancer research identified by the NCI Provocative Questions initiative.


These problems and paradoxes phrased as questions are not intended to represent the full range of NCI's priorities in cancer research. Rather, they are meant to challenge cancer researchers to think about and elucidate specific problems in key areas of cancer research that are deemed important but have not received sufficient attention.



NSF: Integrated Earth Systems

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Integrated Earth Systems (IES) is a program in the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) that focuses on the continental, terrestrial and deep Earth subsystems of the whole Earth system.


The overall goal of the program is to provide opportunity for collaborative, multidisciplinary research into the operation, dynamics and complexity of Earth systems at a budgetary scale between that of a typical project in the EAR Division's disciplinary programs and larger scale initiatives at the Directorate or Foundation level.


Specifically, IES will provide research opportunities for the study of Earth systems from the core of the Earth to the top of the critical zone with a specific focus on subsystems that include continental, terrestrial and deep Earth subsystems at all temporal and spatial scales (NROES, 2012).


IES will provide opportunities to focus on Earth systems connected to topics which include (but are not limited to) the continents; the terrestrial, surficial Earth systems including physical, chemical and biotic dimensions; linkages among tectonics, climate, landscape change, topography and geochemical cycles including core and mantle processes.



Revisions for Early-Stage Development of Informatics Technology (R01)

Closing Date for Applications: 
Thursday, June 18, 2015

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage revision applications (formerly called "competing revisions") from currently funded NCI R01 and R37 (MERIT) research projects for early-stage development of enabling informatics technologies to improve the acquisition, management, analysis, and dissemination of data and knowledge.


As a component of the NCI's Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Initiative, this FOA aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of innovative computational methods and informatics approaches that are essential for cancer research on all fronts to accelerate scientific discovery and ultimately translate data into knowledge and clinical practice.




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