Chemistry Dept.
Bldg. 555A
Brookhaven National Lab
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

Ph: (631)344-4301
Fax: (631)344-5815

Meng Li

Banner Year for BNL’s Meng Li

Scientist Meng Li of Brookhaven’s Chemistry Department has been recognized three times in the past year, with awards from the Electrochemical Society, the International Society of Electrochemistry, and the Stony Brook University’s President’s Award to a Distinguished Doctoral Student. More...

About the Chemistry Department

The Chemistry Department conducts basic research in the chemical sciences on subjects ranging from nuclear processes shortly after the big bang, to medical imaging, and many topics in between. Major topics of our research includes:

  • Catalysis and surface science,
  • Charge transfer for energy conversion,
  • Chemistry with ionizing radiation,
  • Nanoscience,
  • Combustion,
  • Nuclear chemistry, and
  • Experimental and theoretical programs studying imaging and neuroscience.

Learn about our research. Click on the other links at the left to discover who we are and how we work.

Please forward all questions about this site to: Mahendra Kahanda