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Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and Community Development (CD) Bank Resource Directory

This directory provides easy access to information for a sampling of organizations that can provide resources to banks interested in investing in Community Development (CD) Banks or Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). It also provides materials of interest to banks considering converting to a national CD Bank or organizations considering forming a CD Bank. The activities are organized under the following categories:

Definition of Community Development Banks (CD Banks) and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). 

Community Development (CD) banks are depository institutions with a stated mission to primarily benefit the underserved communities in which they are chartered to conduct business. A CD bank pursues this specialized mission by providing financial services to low-and moderate-income (LMI) individuals or communities or benefiting other areas targeted for redevelopment by local, state, tribal, or federal government. CD banks must meet the same safety and soundness, statutory, regulatory, business planning, and procedural requirements as all other national banks.

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are specialized, mission-driven financial institutions that create economic opportunity for individuals and small businesses, quality affordable housing, and essential community services throughout the United States. Four types of institutions are included in the definition of a CDFI: Community Development Banks, Community Development Credit Unions, Community Development Loan Funds (most of which are non-profit), and Community Development Venture Capital Funds. Some, but not all, CDFIs are certified by the CDFI Fund. Certification is often necessary in order to receive support from the CDFI Fund.