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Today: Wednesday,  January 7, 2009
Polish humanitarian organizations are providing emergency aid to the victims of the armed conflict in the Gaza Strip. more »
Poland concerned over Russia-Ukraine dispute 2009-01-05, 15:19
Poles ready to evacuate from Gaza 2009-01-04, 15:18
MOD denies plans to deploy GROM 2009-01-04, 15:17
Polish aid for Southern Asia 2009-01-04, 15:16

Capital: Warsaw
Language: Polish
Population: 38 million
Currency: 1 zloty = 100 groszy
Area: 312,685 km2 (120,727 sqm)
Political system: Parliamentary democracy
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The Middle Ages
Modern Era
Post-Partition Era
World War I
The Interwar Period
World War II
Post-war Period
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