Congressman David Rivera’s Week in Review- Week of August 1st

Miami, Fla.- Congressman David Rivera (FL-25) was focused on economic and foreign affairs issues last week.

Congressman Rivera: We Have an Obligation to the American People to Implement Lasting Solutions to Our Debt Problem

Congressman Rivera released the following statement following Monday’s debt limit vote:

“While today’s debt limit vote is certainly no solution to our nation’s debt problem, it lays the foundation to move forward with real reforms and solutions such as a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget.

"I continue to oppose any effort to raise the nation’s debt without such reforms.  However, by cutting more spending than it raises in debt, by not raising taxes, by capping future spending, and by providing an opportunity to move forward on a balanced budget constitutional amendment, today’s vote provided the only alternative to President Obama’s and the liberal Senate’s irresponsible tax and spend plans to increase the debt.

"We now have an obligation to the American people to implement lasting solutions to our debt problem that will help stimulate the economy and create jobs."

Congressman Rivera says House Stands Ready to Pass Agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea, Urges Senate and White House to Do Same

Congressman Rivera released the following statement reacting to the U.S. Senate’s announcement that leaders have agreed on a process to move forward on consideration of the three pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and North Korea. 

“The bipartisan announcement from Senate leaders that they have agreed on a path to move forward on the pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea is a welcome one and a step in the right direction for America’s economy. 

“While the United States has stalled on approving these trade agreements, the EU and countries like Canada and China have signed trade deals and increased their market share in these countries, while America’s has decreased. 

“In his State of the Union Speech last year, President Obama acknowledged that if America ‘sits on the sidelines’ on free trade, it will cost jobs in the United States—yet he has repeatedly imposed additional conditions. 

“These free trade agreements will create new and expanded markets in the United States, in turn creating much-needed jobs, but we must act sooner rather than later. 

“The House stands ready to pass the pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.  I hope this path forward indicates that the White House and Senate are ready to join us in this effort to create jobs and improve the American economy.”

Last year, Congressman Rivera made the approval of the Colombia Free Trade Agreement a central tenant of his “Pledge to District 25” economic plan, and was a leader amongst the group of freshman Congressman who led an effort to send a letter to President Obama urging him to approve Free Trade Agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.  In part, as a result of Congressman Rivera’s efforts, 67 freshman Members of the House of Representatives signed the letter to President Obama.

Statement from Congressman Rivera on July Jobs Report

Congressman Rivera released the following statement reacting to Friday’s the Bureau of Labor Statistics July jobs report :

“In the face of months of abysmal unemployment rates, the White House is stressing the importance of not ‘reading too much’ into any one monthly report.  Don’t worry, Mr. President.  We’re not. 

“The unemployment rate has been at or above, eight percent since Democrats passed the stimulus package less than one month into President Obama’s term. 

“The White House continues to say that poor job numbers are a ‘call to action’.  Yet the White House refuses to present a jobs plan.  In fact, the President spent much of the last few months calling for tax increases on job creators.  That is not the way to go. 

“House Republicans have presented a jobs plan and passed multiple pieces of legislation to make America a friendlier place to do business by expanding existing markets and introducing new ones, and by removing government barriers such as taxes and regulations. 

“That is the road we have to take to grow our economy and create jobs—instead of threatening job creators with new taxes and regulations that only serve to grow uncertainty and the unemployment rate.”

District Activities: AAR Wheel and Brake Services Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Congressman Rivera spoke at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of the AAR Wheel and Brakes facility on Friday. 

The Congressman congratulated AAR on its new 12,500 square foot facility that will house the extension of AAR Landing Gear Services.  The company’s new division will offer wheel and brake services including repair, rebuilding and inspection for commercial, military and regional aviation customers.  AAR has been operating in the Miami area for 24 years. 

“As we see the news, as we see what has been going on in Washington.  We hear about trillion dollars in national debt.  We hear about double digit unemployment all over the country, but especially here in South Florida.  Among all these indicators of economic distress in our country, it is so wonderful to see those shining bright examples of success, determination and fortitude, like what we see here at AAR,” Congressman Rivera said. 

“I think about what you all have built here, the growth you are bringing to this community.  You are an inspiration to the rest of this community; to those folks who are also completely unwilling to let these negative economic indicators get them down and are going to continue to build this community and this economy.”