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WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger.

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the Hunger Feed

  • Video 17 hours ago

    Somalia: Livestock Farmer Begins To Recover From Drought

    Somalia: Livestock Farmer Begins To Recover From Drought

    Thanks to a reservoir created over the last year by a community in northern Somalia, there is now usually water for livestock such as these camels. Their owner, a nomad farmer, used to have 20 of the animals, but most of them died in the 2011 drought. The villagers who worked on building this community scheme were given food in exchange for their labour through WFP’s Food For Assets programme.

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  • News Release 15 hours ago

    Agricultural Cooperatives Critical To Fight Hunger

    World Food Day Observed In 150 Countries

    16 October 2012, Rome - Agricultural cooperatives, already enriching millions of small-scale farmers, could expand and make an even greater contribution against poverty and hunger, if they were given the right support by governments, civil society and academia.

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  • @WFP 15 hours ago

    We are 3/5 of the way to reaching our goal of feeding 50,000 kids by the end of the day. http://t.co/oeCTSFdB #wfd2012

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  • Story 4 days ago

    South Sudan: WFP Girls’ Ration Increases School Attendance in Eastern Equatoria

    School officials in South Sudan say a monthly take-home food ration from the World Food Programme (WFP) has helped to reduce the number of female students dropping out of school.

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  • @wfp_business 20 hours ago

    Today is World Food Day! Here are 3 things you can do to make a difference: http://t.co/4V4g2jXA #wfd2012

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  • Story 1 day ago

    Somalia: New Reservoir Puts Nomad Farmer On Road To Recovery

    Compared to this time last year, things have improved for Somalis who have directly benefited from the creation of community assets which provide a way out of the proverty trap.

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  • Hunger in the News 6 days ago

    When it Comes to Hunger, Zero is the Only Acceptable Number

    Source: Inter Press Service (IPS) New data from the United Nations reveals that there has been progress in reducing the number of hungry people worldwide. But an estimate that nearly 870 million people, one in eight, suffered from chronic undernourishment over the last two years is “unacceptable”, experts say. (..) “We know that proper nutrition in this period gives a child the best possible start in life,” Valerie Guarnieri, WFP’s head of programme, told IPS.
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  • WFP Photo Gallery 1 day ago

    In Turkey, Syrian Refugees Buy Food With E-Cards

  • News Release 1 day ago

    Acholi Farmers Now Selling Food To WFP, Instead Of Receiving It

    KAMPALA – In a dramatic turnaround, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has announced it will begin buying food grown by small-scale farmers in Acholi, a region where as recently as two years ago many people relied on WFP food assistance.

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  • News Release 3 days ago

    WFP And Turkish Red Crescent Launch Food E-Card Assistance To Syrians In Turkey

    ANKARA – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) launched today a food Electronic Card programme in partnership with the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) to assist thousands of Syrians who are under international protection in Turkey.

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  • Food Factor Podcast 4 days ago

    Safety Nets To Catch The World's Hungry

    There are just under 870 million hungry people in the world, according to a new hunger report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Food Programme and the International Fund for Agriculutural Development. The report highlights programmes called "safety nets" as an important means of bringing that number down. In this episode, WFP Chief Economist Lynn Brown discusses some of the main conclusions in the report, such as how safety nets can lift people up by catching them when they fall.

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  • Story 1 week ago

    Sahel Crisis: WFP Nutritionists Answer 5 Questions

    This year’s hunger crisis in the Sahel brought with it a strong risk that many children would fall into malnutrition – the effects of which can be irreversible. In this Q&A, our West Africa team of nutritionists answer explain what WFP’s response has been and talk about some of the challenges faced.
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  • Video 5 days ago

    First Lady of Zambia Dr. Christine Kaseba Sata Gives Her Take On Hunger

    First Lady of Zambia Dr. Christine Kaseba Sata Gives Her Take On Hunger

    Empowering the poor is the key to feeding the nation, says First Lady of Zambia Dr. Christine Kaseba Sata, who calls on governments to ensure that land is used properly to reduce hunger and poverty.

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  • Story 1 week ago

    Online Hazards Platform Gets Major Revamp

    An update to HEWSweb, an online natural hazards platform, brings some major improvements to users who rely on the service for real-time information on emergencies like earthquakes and floods. Pages compiling historical data and key statistics for individual countries and each kind of disaster are a few of the platform’s new features.

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  • WFP Photos 6 days ago

    Families Stranded By Flood Waters In Pakistan

  • Hunger in the News 1 week ago

    Hunger falls but still unacceptably high-FAO chief

    Source: Reuters Achieving the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the prevalence of hunger in the world by 2015 is still within reach, but a strong, sustained acceleration of efforts is needed. (..) The global number of chronically hungry people has declined by 130 million since 1990, falling from a little over one billion people to 868 million - 852 million of them in developing countries. (..) These figures are included in this year's The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) -- the world hunger report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Programme. In this edition, SOFI uses better data and an improved methodology, developed with the help of experts from around the world to estimate hunger.
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  • Story 1 week ago

    Drought sends food prices soaring in Mauritania

    In some countries across the Sahel the end of the lean season heralded a period of steady rainfall.  Not so in Mauritania, where households are still struggling to cope with the effects of the drought, which has reduced farmers’ crop yield and increased the price of food on local markets.    

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  • News Release 1 week ago

    Globally Almost 870 Million Chronically Undernourished - New Hunger Report

    But there are hopeful signs that with extra effort the MDG target can be reached 

    9 October 2012, Rome - Nearly 870 million people, or one in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012, according to the new UN hunger report released today.

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  • Hunger in the News 1 week ago

    The Debating Chamber - Shining a light on the big dirty secret of hunger

    Source: Alertnet Outside of the big high profile emergencies caused by drought, floods, cyclones, or earthquakes, the horrific impact of grinding under nutrition on the lives of children is a big, dirty secret that has remained hidden for far too long. (..) So how do the humanitarian agencies most engaged in this pressing issue take advantage of World Food Day, to build on this momentum?
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People Against Hunger

Hlubi Mboya - Actress and WFP National Ambassador Against Hunger.

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WFP Response to Flood Emergency in Central America


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The World's Greatest Solvable Problem


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For news and views on developments in the world of humanitarian aid, go to the Aid Professionals page. There are maps of crisis zones, the aid pro blog, access to the Food Aid Information System and much much more.

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Want to help us spread the word about hunger? We have a range of resources that teachers can use in the classroom, plus news about schools that are already involved in the fight against hunger.

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for Private Sector

WFP seeks to catalyse change through innovative partnerships with the private sector. In a range of ways, companies are helping to make us better at what we do,often by sharing their equipment, staff and expertise.

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Spreading the word, organising events, raising funds. Find out how you can help fight hunger. And see how many fellow students around the world are already doing it!

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