Congressman David Rivera’s Week in Review- First Week in Washington

Jan 9, 2011

Washington, DC- As Congressman David Rivera (R-FL) wraps up his first week in Washington, the first edition of Rivera’s Week in Review provides updates on activities surrounding the outset of his term.

Committee Assignments

Prior to his swearing-in, Rivera received his committee assignments.  He was appointed to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the House Committee on Natural Resources.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee has jurisdiction and oversight over legislation and investigations related to the foreign affairs of the United States.  Rivera was a natural choice for the Committee on Foreign Affairs.  The freshman Congressman has been a vocal advocate against making unilateral concessions to the Cuban dictatorship since before his days in the Florida House.  The location and diversity of Rivera’s district gives him a special understanding of issues relating to Latin America.  And he recognizes the importance of maintaining positive relationships with Israel, and that continuing to provide security assistance to this strong U.S. ally is crucial to stability in the Middle East. 

The House Natural Resources Committee considers legislation about American energy production, mineral lands and mining, fisheries and wildlife, public lands, oceans, Native Americans, irrigation and reclamation.  Rivera’s district in Southern Florida stretches from Western Miami-Dade County into parts of Collier and Monroe counties and includes Everglades National Park, as well as the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida Reservation.  Rivera supports conservation efforts that incentivize, not penalize, energy efficiency by businesses and individuals, and promoting renewable energy sources as well as exploring American energy sources. 

Swearing-In & Speaker of the House Vote

Rivera was among the 93 freshmen Members sworn-in to the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday to kick-off the 112th Congress.  Prior to the swearing-in, an official vote was taken to determine who would be the next Speaker of the House.  Rivera and 240 other Republican Members unanimously voted for Congressman John Boehner (R-OH). 

Notable Meetings

Throughout the week, Rivera’s office met with various Southern Florida business and community leaders.  Rivera’s office welcomed business leaders from companies including McDonalds, IBM, Sony, Walmart, UPS, Indra and the Walt Disney Company; educational representatives from the University of Miami and Florida International University; and several state and local elected officials from Miami-Dade and Collier Counties, and all over the state of Florida. 

First Floor Speech: The Importance of the Colombia Free Trade Agreement

On Friday, Rivera used his first speech as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, to express his strong support for the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Colombia. 

Rivera encouraged his fellow Members of Congress to join him in standing with one of the United States’ strongest allies in Latin America.  His speech focused on the positive economic impact of the Free Trade Agreement, stressing that it would help create jobs, bolster thousands of small businesses, and increase U.S. GDP and exports by billions of dollars. 

Last year Rivera listed passing the Colombia Free Trade Agreement as one of the top five ways to create jobs and encourage economic growth as part of his “Pledge to District 25” economic plan. 

Rivera has also been appointed to the Colombia Free Trade Working Group by Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-CA).  Currently the group’s first priority is to have as many freshman Members of the 112th Congress as possible sign a letter to President Barack Obama in support of the Colombia Free Trade Agreement. 

Dreier has asked Rivera to take the lead with the freshman class.

Taking Up the Charge on the Issue of Cuba

This week, Rivera’s office took up the charge on the issue of Cuba, reaching out to the National Security Council at the White House and the State Department to discuss proposed changes in Cuba travel restrictions and the bilateral discussions scheduled between the United States and the island in the coming weeks. 

New Member Seminar

This weekend, Rivera is attending a New Member Seminar.  The seminar is provided by the Congressional Research Service at the start of every new Congress to acquaint new Members with many of the issues that they will face while in office.  The Congressional Research Service is a legislative branch agency within the Library of Congress that works exclusively to provide policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both houses of Congress, regardless of party affiliation. 

Looking Ahead: Local Swearing-In on Monday, January 10th

Rivera will participate in a local swearing-in ceremony on Monday, January 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the Wilkie Ferguson Miami Federal Courthouse, located at 400 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33128.