Compliance Evaluation

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Energy code compliance evaluation is the process of verifying that new or renovated buildings are meeting the intended requirements of adopted energy codes. DOE has developed a methodology, suggested procedures, and tools to help states and jurisdictions measure and report their rate of compliance. While targeted to assess the rate of compliance in a state or jurisdiction, these resources are openly available to support compliance assessment and evaluation. A Step-By-Step Companion Guide provides a quick summary of compliance measurement procedures. The recommended methodology is further detailed in Measuring State Energy Code Compliance.

compliance evaluation process flow

Identifying a Building Sample

The DOE methodology suggests that states generate a statistically valid (representative) sample of buildings to be evaluated for code compliance. DOE developed the State Sample Generator tool to assist in generating this sample. Based on recent construction data, the software automatically accounts for the required building types across state climate zones, and presents potential sample buildings by county. These buildings form the sample for inclusion in a compliance rate assessment.

Resources for Communicating with Jurisdictions

  • The web-based State Energy Code Jurisdictional SurveyState Energy Code Jurisdictional Survey is available for states to gather background information from local jurisdictions, including information on common processes for evaluating compliance. A list of sample survey questions included in the survey is also available for state review and consideration.
  • A jurisdictional flier and letter are available for states to inform jurisdictions about state efforts to assess the rate of energy code compliance, solicit their cooperation, and advise them of what to expect. Both of these resources can be customized by state, and are designed to complement the survey or compliance evaluation process.

Documenting the Evaluation Process

Compliance checklists are available for conducting building evaluations based on a review of the plans and actual construction in the field.

Analyzing, Calculating, and Storing Results

  • The Score + Store™ tool is available to aid states and local jurisdictions in storing building sample data gathered as part of a compliance evaluation. The tool also automates the reporting process, helping to align data gathered across states and local jurisdictions.