Status of State Energy Code Adoption

The current and projected status of energy codes and standards adoption is show in the maps below. Status is displayed for both residential and commercial buildings for U.S. States and territories. Choose from the drop-down list to view the details for a particular state.

National Status At-A-Glance

Current Commercial Building Energy Code Adoption Status

Commercial Code Adoption Status

States marked with an asterisk have locally adopted commercial energy codes that are above the state mandated minimum.

Current Residential Building Energy Code Adoption Status

Residential Code Adoption Status

States marked with an asterisk have locally adopted residential energy codes that are above the state mandated minimum.

Projected Commercial Building Energy Code Adoption Activity

Projected Adoption Activity: Commercial

Projections are based on current code status and typical state adoption cycles.

Projected Residential Building Energy Code Adoption Activity

Projected Adoption Activity: Residential

Projections are based on current code status and typical state adoption cycles.

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Looking for further information?

Additional information and resources on state initiatives to increase energy efficiency through the adoption of building energy codes are also provide by the following: