House Technology Operations Team to Launch House.Gov BETA Site for Feedback

Apr 21, 2011
Washington, DC: Today, Congressman Jason Chaffetz, along with the House Technology Operations Team announced the launch of the BETA site.  One of the many projects of the House Technology Operations Team has been to oversee the redesign of to improve constituent access to member sites and important legislative information. The team is inviting the public to give their feedback on the redesign.
The BETA site URL is   This is a public BETA and visitors can reports bugs at  
Visitors can also submit general feedback at
After reviewing everyone’s feedback, the site will officially launch during the week of May 2nd.
“To increase transparency, efficiency, and citizen engagement, it is imperative that the House use technology to improve internal operations,” said Congressman Chaffetz. “After working together with the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, their technology support team, and the Committee on House Administration, we believe this redesign of will help Members better connect with the people they serve.”