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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 75 · No. 4 > Articles

January/February 2012
Vol. 75 · No. 4

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-002


Every Day Counts

by Wendy McAbee

This FHWA initiative aims to identify and deploy innovations that can shorten project delivery time, enhance roadway safety, and protect the environment.

Montana's Roundabout Corridor

by Alan Woodmansey and Kirk Spalding

For the west-end entryway to Billings, the Montana Department of Transportation eschewed traditional signalized intersections in favor of something a little rounder.

Spotlight on Pedestrian Safety

by Tamara Redmon, Dan Gelinne, Leah Walton, and Jeff Miller

FHWA's aggressive approach to reducing the fatality rate in 13 States and 5 municipalities is showing promising results.

Why Does FHWA Have a Chemistry Lab?

by Terry Arnold and Gretchen Stoeltje

A state-of-the-art renovation in 2011 increased the laboratory's utility and effectiveness. Find out how the laboratory can work for you.

Transportation Operations Laboratory: Article III
The DRT Start

by Gene McHale

FHWA's Data Resources testbed is up and running-collecting, managing, storing, and visualizing data generated by the agency's new Transportation Operations Laboratory.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration