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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 73 · No. 6 > Articles

May/June 2010
Vol. 73 · No. 6

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-10-004


Subsurface Utility Engineering

by C. Paul Scott

The SUE process revolutionized how designers, engineers, and contractors handle underground pipes and power lines during highway planning, design, and construction.

Leaving a Smaller Footprint

by Suneel N. Vanikar, Jim Grove, and Leif Wathne

Seizing opportunities in the design, construction, and maintenance phases of concrete pavements can provide a more sustainable highway infrastructure.

World Class Streets

by Megan Cornog and Dan Gelinne

New York City is transforming itself into a metropolis that is friendly to bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders. Learn how the Big Apple is doing it.

Taking a Key Role in Reducing Disaster Risks

Sheila Rimal Duwadi

FHWA's hazard mitigation R&D program tackles the challenges of providing safer highway bridges and other transportation infrastructure.

Greener Alleys

by Janet L. Attarian

Chicago shares insights on use of permeable pavements and other eco-friendly strategies to create more sustainable transportation infrastructure.

Detecting Motorcyclists and Bicyclists at Intersections

by David R.P. Gibson, Bo Ling, and Spandan Tiwari

A new multisensor system differentiates vehicles on the road, which could save lives.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration