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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 71 · No. 6 > Articles

May/Jun 2008
Vol. 71 · No. 6

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-08-004


Exploratory Advanced Research: A Journey Toward New Solutions

by David Kuehn and Ariam Asmerom

Breakthrough opportunities receive Federal funding to address longterm transportation challenges.

Making Signal Systems Work for Cyclists

by David Gibson

A recent FHWA study of inductive loop sensors focused on whether they adequately detect motorcycles and bicycles.

Making the Case for Freight Investments

by Ed Strocko

A new model to capture the additive costs and benefits could help prioritize highway improvement projects.

Focusing on Pedestrian Safety

by Kohinoor Kar and Sreelatha Gajula

Researchers in Arizona are trying to pinpoint when, where, and why pedestrians are killed on U.S. roadways.

History Lessons From the National Bridge Inventory

by Waseem Dekelbab, Adel Al-Wazeer, and Bobby Harris

Analyzing data from the NBI can help predict how bridge decks will perform.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration