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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 67 · No. 6 > Articles

May/June 2004
Vol. 67 · No. 6


What If We Changed the Way Highways Are Built

by Charles Churilla

A visionary approach to building roadsfaster, safer, and of better quality.

Sometimes Quality Is in the Eye of the Beholder

by Kathleen A. Bergeron

Highway users and other stakeholders share their views on what makes a successful road project.

The Case for Performance Standards

by Cheryl Allen Richter

Ambitious, but achievable, expectations are the first step to improve safety, to reduce construction-related congestion, and to enhance quality.

Building Safe Roads

by John R. Baxter

Secretary Mineta's goal of reducing the Nation's highway death toll to 1.0 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled by 2008 will be a challenge.

Building a Better Mousetrap

by Byron N. Lord

Consider the possibilities: What if we could establish a bold new business model for accelerating the adoption of transportation technology?

The Future Is Now

by Kathleen A. Bergeron

These snapshots of successful projects from around the country show that the stage is set for a new approach to highway design, construction, and maintenance.

Congestion Is the Challenge

by Scott Battles

An FHWA team addresses one of the agency's toughest "vital few" priorities by tackling work zone delays.

Insights from Abroad

by Edward Rodriguez and Ted Ferragut

FHWA's international scanning program identifies world-class technologies for application on U.S. highways.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration