My Florida Florida Public Service Commission
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The PSC's Role

The Florida Public Service Commission is committed to making sure that Florida's consumers receive some of their most essential services — electric, natural gas, telephone, water, and wastewater — in a safe, reasonable, and reliable manner. In doing so, the PSC exercises regulatory authority over utilities in one or more of three key areas: rate base/economic regulation; competitive market oversight; and monitoring of safety, reliability, and service.
For more information on the services the Public Service Commission does and does not regulate, go to our brochure entitled When to Call the PSC .
News Ticker

For the latest information on the Coronavirus Disease, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. The Florida Department of Health has a dedicated COVID-19 webpage at and a COVID-19 Case Dashboard that is updated twice daily to track the spread of the Coronavirus in Florida.
Message from Chairman Gary F. Clark

Keeping Floridians connected to utility providers through the COVID-19 pandemic is of paramount concern. On July 29, Florida’s utilities provided an update during the Public Service Commission’s Workshop on Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Utility Customers. All industries—electric, gas, water and wastewater—urged customers to contact their utility if they are facing financial hardships or are behind on payments for these essential services. Help is available through payment plans, deferral arrangements, relief funding, and other options. It’s important for customers to pay what they can and keep in contact with their utility. Utility workshop presentations can be found here.

The PSC’s mission—to ensure the provision of safe and reliable utility services at fair prices—is critical now more than ever. As utilities begin to return to normal billing practices, we are working with them to monitor the effect on customers and take any appropriate action. If you have any questions, I invite you to call our consumer assistance line, 1-800-342-3552.
The Florida Department of Management Services has restricted public access to the Gerald L. Gunter Building to help minimize COVID-19 exposure, until further notice.
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Florida’s Investor-Owned Utilities’ COVID 19 Resources

The PSC understands customers might have utility-related questions resulting from COVID-19. We are monitoring utility activities and their plans for addressing how COVID-19 will impact operations and their customers.

Electric Investor-Owned Utilities Natural Gas Investor-Owned Utilities Water and Wastewater Investor-Owned Utility

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The Florida Public Service Commission recognizes the importance of privacy to our Web site visitors. Subject to certain statutory exceptions, most documents and records maintained by the Commission and the State of Florida, including but not limited to electronic data, are public records under Florida law. Information submitted through this Web site may be subject to disclosure pursuant to a public records request.