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Featured Resources

Making Sense of Decoding and Spelling

Making Sense of Decoding and Spelling: An Adult Reading Course of Study by Charles MacArthur
An evidence-based course of study designed to teach adult learners to decode and spell words more accurately and fluently.

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Understanding and Applying Research in the Classroom: A Guide for Today’s Educators

Understanding and Applying Research in the Classroom: A Guide for Today’s Educators
This 30-60 minute self-paced online course introduces users to information about scientific research and its relevance to educational decision making.

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LINCS Newsletter

LINCS Monthly Newsletter
Each month's newsletter highlights the latest resources for basic skills, program management, or workforce competitiveness.

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What's New

Adult Literacy Instruction: A Review of the Research

Adult Literacy Instruction: A Review of the Research is a follow-up to the original review of Adult Education (AE) reading instruction research published in 2002. This new report presents findings from an analysis of the AE reading instruction research base and is designed as a resource for practitioners and reading researchers.
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Learning to Achieve: A Professional’s Guide to Educating Adults with Learning Disabilities

This companion guide to the training is also a stand-alone resource for professionals who haven't taken the Learning to Achieve training. It covers relevant characteristics of adults with learning disabilities matched with descriptions and examples of practical intervention strategies.
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National Career Awareness Project

Teams from eight states were selected to participate in the first round of National Career Awareness Project, January–June, 2011. The National Career Awareness Project will increase and improve adult learners' career awareness and planning by helping adult education program staff incorporate career awareness and planning into their instruction and counseling activities.
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