How To Boost Student Performance In Your Class!

It's not easy to keep student enthusiasm and performance in high gear throughout the year. We have hand-selected the following peer-reviewed courses to help you find new ways to motivate students and keep them focused in class!

Stopping Disruptive Behavior -
Offered through CE Credits Online.

Stop disruptive behavior with three carefully worded questions! Teachers and administrators will enjoy this effective strategy for dealing with problem behavior from K-12 students.

The 5 Practices of Highly Effective Classrooms -
Presented by Educational Impact.

Every educator’s approach is different - Multiply your knowledge with proven instructional strategies presented by your colleagues. For greater impact, this course can be taken in school or district groups, too.

Classroom Management -
Provided through Learning Bridges.

We all have a need to feel some control over our own environment. This course focuses on understanding and implementing a positive classroom, including strategies for culturally diverse students, students of poverty, and ELL students.

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