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Developers API

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Developers

An API is a method to open up and allow access to specific content or functionality from within an application. An API allows other developers or organizations the ability to use specific functionality, usually to build or produce new functionality. An API has specific rules and requirements that allow users to properly access the content or functionality.

API Key Registration

To begin using the NIDA API, please register using this link to access your API key.  A confirmation that includes your unique API key will be sent to your email address. Please save the email for future reference.

NIDA Drug Screening Tool API

Access the NIDA Drug Screening Tool API and documentation and integrate it into your Web site, application, electronic health record (EHR), or other healthcare systems.


Table of Contents

This page was last updated August 20, 2012.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH...Turning Discovery Into Health

National Institute on Drug Abuse   |   6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 5213   |   Bethesda, MD 20892-9561

Questions for our staff? E-mail information@nida.nih.gov or call 301-443-1124 (240-221-4007 en español).

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