Black’s Statement on Latest Unemployment Report

Sep 7, 2012 Issues: Economy and Jobs

GALLATIN, TN – Congressman Diane Black (R-TN) issued the following statement today regarding the latest unemployment report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“For the 43rd consecutive month, unemployment remains stuck above 8 percent. Upwards of 20 million Americans are currently struggling to find work and the number of food stamp recipients has soared to its highest level ever. The president’s failed policies of 3 straight years of more than $1 trillion deficits; massive new regulations; insistence on higher taxes for small businesses; and a government-takeover of our health care system are making the economy worse.

“In 2008, President Obama campaigned on the promise of “hope.” Nearly four years later, his policies have given our country the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression – resulting in record levels of hopelessness among the American people. The labor force participation rate is at the lowest level in 31 years, because millions of unemployed Americans have given up looking for work. The president’s insistence on more of the same failed policies is not providing any hope for the American people that the economy will be better next month or next year.

“House Republicans have passed more than 30 jobs bills that the Democrat-controlled Senate continues to ignore. The president needs to recognize that his policies have failed and it is members of his own party who are the ones blocking meaningful jobs legislation from becoming law. It is time to change course.”