United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Request for NRR Follow-Up on Environmental Samples with Levels Greater Than

HPPOS-009 PDR-9111210097

Title: Request for NRR Follow-Up on Environmental Samples

with Levels Greater Than FES Estimates

See the memorandum from L. B. Higginbotham to J. Sutherland

dated April 15, 1976. The memo states that the

concentrations of radioactive materials in environmental

samples higher than those estimated in the Final

Environmental Statement are not, by themselves, cause for


An "Evaluation of the Results of Oconee Environmental

Survey" was forwarded to NRR. Concern was expressed over

what significance should be placed on observed

environmental radioactive levels found to be greater than

the estimated levels in the Final Environmental Statement

(FES). The submitted evaluation stated that the

concentrations of radioactivity detected by the South

Carolina Department of Health in environmental samples were

well below the South Carolina drinking water standards and

the inspection of Oconee's liquid radwaste control program

did not identify any noncompliance with the Technical

Specifications. The doses to the public calculated using

NRC models by Duke Power Company were below the numerical

guides of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I.

NRR stated that the values of anticipated annual releases

of radioactive material in liquid effluents and the

corresponding anticipated concentrations in the tailrace as

presented in the Oconee FES were exactly what they were

claimed to be - anticipated or estimated values. FES

values are estimates of long-term averages for the 40 year

life of the plant and these estimates may vary from the

observed value for any specific year. In this situation,

regulatory limits were not exceeded; there was no

information that was previously unknown to NRR; and there

was no information contrary to that assumed by NRR in its

issuance of the license. Therefore, based on this

criteria, the significance of levels in the environment

greater than estimated levels in the FES is minimal and

that concentrations of radioactive materials in

environmental samples higher than those estimated in the

FES are not, by themselves, cause for concern.

The regional response to such incidences should be to

provide the SEP Branch with a brief summary of the findings

and these will be forwarded to Licensing for information.

The Regional response need not involve an evaluation of the

data nor a modification of the inspection schedule to

inspect the subject area.

Regulatory references: Technical Specifications, Final

Environmental Statement

Subject codes: 7.4

Applicability: Reactors

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012