Beneficial Ownership Reports

Insider Reports

"Insider reports" collect information on the beneficial ownership of equity securities for (1) any director or officer of an issuer with a class of equity securities registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ('34 Act); (2) any beneficial owner of greater than 10 percent of a class of equity securities registered under Section 12 of the '34 Act, as determined by voting or investment control over the securities pursuant to Rule 16a-1(a)1; and (3) any trust, trustee, beneficiary, or settler required pursuant to Rule 16a-8.

Insiders must file a report Leaving the Board before the end of the second business day following the day on which a transaction resulting in a change in beneficial ownership has been executed. Forms that are submitted electronically will be made available immediately, so the public will be able to search for a report Leaving the Board.

Last update: September 8, 2007