Blog Posts tagged with "culture"

EUCOMversations with Dan Regelbrugge, Defense Language Institute

The Defense Langauge Institute opened its first Europe-based language lab Oct. 4 at Patch Barracks in Stuttgart, Germany. Dan Regelbrugge joins us from the lab to talk about what the new facility offers and the dedication it took to get the center up and running.

Dan joined us on EUCOMversations for "Stronger Together through Language" in 2010 when DLI was just starting out here for EUCOM and AFRICOM.

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When Cultures Collide

Often, friction is the result of cultural collisions – disagreements stemming from differences in fundamental belief systems, well established processes, and patterns of execution.

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The Road Ahead

I had an experience last week I never expected when I began my naval career in the 1970s during the Cold War period: a four-day visit to Moscow and St. Petersburg, hosted by the Russian Chief of Defense.

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The Importance of Culture

As I mentioned in my vlog last week I was in Bergen, Norway during my official co-hosting duties with the Norwegian Chief of Defense, General Harald Sunde, for the Northern European Chief of Defense (CHOD) Conference. As "The Fjord Capital of Norway", Bergen is often described as "a city with its feet in the sea, its head in the skies, and its heart in the right place." What I didn't mention in the vlog is I found myself in a situation that affected my head and heart before the conference had even begun.

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