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Procurement and Contracts Administration

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education’s (ORISE) Procurement and Contracts Administration department provides effective acquisition and contracting services, as well as prudent management of risk issues and compliance requirements while procuring equipment, services and realty requirements in a timely and cost-effective manner.

ORISE’s vision is to deliver (on a timely basis) the best value, product or service to our customers while maintaining trust and fulfilling policy objectives.

Small Business Advocate

ORISE seeks to use small businesses in a way that is consistent with performance expectations of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

What We Buy

ORISE purchases a wide variety of services and products in order to perform work for government agencies and organizations.

Supplier/Contractor Questionnaire

The supplier/contractor questionnaire allows ORISE to obtain capability information on suppliers who are interested in doing business with us.

Terms and Conditions

Browse through our lists of current, full-text and historical terms and conditions that guide our procurement process.


These forms provide guidance to prospective suppliers interested in working with ORISE’s Procurement and Contracts Administration department.

Supplier Survey

This survey enables suppliers to rate their organization's business relationship with the ORISE Procurement and Contracts Administration department and disbursements operations.

Supplier Training

All potential ORISE suppliers must complete this required training prior to the finalization of contract-of-work.

Other Related Sites

A list of useful Internet sites related to procurement services.

For more information, contact:

Procurement and Contracts Administration
Work: 865.576.3049