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Mission Focus

Photo Courtesy of Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The central mission focus of the University Radioactive Ion Beam (UNIRIB) consortium is to perform nuclear physics research, and provide training and education. UNIRIB member universities have gained decades of frontline research experience through the use of the world-class facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and other national laboratories across the United States.

The UNIRIB consortium is tasked by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to perform basic, experimental, low-energy, nuclear structure research at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF). Research is conducted in close collaboration with HRIBF scientists with the use of radioactive/stable ion beams and equipment available from the facility.

Related to UNIRIB’s research mission are its ongoing physics studies and equipment development at HRIBF:

Illness and Injury Surveillance

Physics Topics

UNIRIB researchers from around the world study the short-lived, exotic nuclei that are involved in astrophysical processes. Research includes fine structure studies in proton emission and other physics topics.

Equipment Development

Equipment Development

UNIRIB consortium universities are offered the opportunity to perform low-energy nuclear structure research using radioactive/stable ion beams and experimental equipment available through HRIBF.