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Training and Education

Training and Education

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) offers training and education opportunities to government agencies and organizations seeking information related to worker health, safety, consumer health, environmental health and toxicology.

ORISE maintains extensive experience in instructional design, graphic art, multimedia development, cultural competency and global health. Customized educational programs are available for agencies and organizations needing specialized training.

When appropriate, ORISE works alongside a network of internationally-recognized communication experts to help conduct courses and workshops.

ORISE's specific training and education capabilities include:

Instructional Design and Development

Instructional Design and Development

ORISE works with government agencies and organizations to create customized training and instructional design programs, including traditional classroom teaching and online education.

Human Capital Planning

Human Capital Planning

ORISE assesses human capital programs for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and designs training programs for qualifying officials and facility representatives.

Human Subjects Protection

Human Subjects Protection

ORISE performs technical assessments to help DOE laboratories ensure the protection and rights of human research subjects.