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Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Effective emergency management relies on thorough integration of preparedness plans at all levels of government. The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)—an interagency integrator of emergency management capabilities—brings government agencies together to ensure a prompt and well-coordinated response to a variety of emergency situations.

Whether preparations are focused on natural or man-made hazards, ORISE’s team of operations planners are experienced in creating, delivering and managing all types of emergency programs. Because information sharing is the foundation of an organized response, ORISE develops tools and provides training for federal, state and local agencies to help emergency personnel become familiar with the capabilities of all participants. These efforts provide guidance and help officials determine how to best address emergencies as a cohesive group.

A key example of our emergency management technology expertise is the development of the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) Exercise and Training Analysis Tool (CETAT). ORISE customized this analysis tool to increase exercise and training effectiveness and improve emergency preparedness.

CETAT's outcomes have included:

  • Increased exercise planning effectiveness through CETAT data management
  • More effective use of training as a solution to deficiencies identified in exercises
  • Increased coordination with civilian response partners
  • Ongoing strengthening of overall emergency preparedness

ORISE has also provided direction and experienced leadership to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Crisis Management Unit to establish a standardized exercise program for the FBI that employs the National Incident Management System. This program offers a comprehensive approach to incident management that assists FBI leadership in managing major incidents alongside interagency partners.