U.S., Norway sign logistics agreement

U.S. Navy Rear Adm. William "Andy" Brown, U.S. European Command Director of Logistics, signs a new Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement between U.S. and Norway and U.S. Navy Capt. Ted Digges, Logistics Support Division Chief and U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Tim Klopfer, Multinational Agreements Branch Chief look on.  The document replaces the original agreement signed in 1982.

U.S. Navy Rear Adm. William "Andy" Brown, U.S. European Command Director of Logistics, signs a new Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement between U.S. and Norway and U.S. Navy Capt. Ted Digges, Logistics Support Division Chief and U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Tim Klopfer, Multinational Agreements Branch Chief look on. The document replaces the original agreement signed in 1982.

Last week I witnessed the signing of a very important international agreement – the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement between the U.S. and Norway. This agreement allows militaries of both countries to exchange logistic support, supplies and services to be used primarily during combined exercises, training, deployments, operations, as well as other unforeseen circumstances.

What is truly unique about this agreement is that it provides several methods of repayment. There is the usual cash transaction, as well as the ability to replace items used with like items within one year. The really flexible form of repayment is equal value exchange, where the two militaries can barter for support.

Signed by U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Andy Brown, Director of Logistics for the U.S. European Command on Aug. 5, 2009, this document replaces the original agreement, signed way back in 1982. The tremendous flexibility provided by this document breaks down the stove pipes associated with logistics between nations.

ACSA transactions can also greatly enhance the speed of acquisition for a commander in the field. They enable units to take advantage of economies of scale and reduce their logistics tail during combined operations and exercises by utilizing the other nation’s existing supplies and services rather than recreating their own. The U.S. and Norway have exchanged approximately $2 million under the previous agreement in the last three years.

EUCOM has ACSAs with 40 countries and two NATO organizations in our Area of Responsibility, and has executed over $65 million in orders this fiscal year under those ACSAs. These agreements benefit both the U.S. and our allies, and are a great tool to help build partner nation capacity.

U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Timothy Klopfer
Chief, Multinational Agreements Branch
U.S. European Command

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