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Secretary Salazar's Independence Day Message

July 4, 2012

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We have been celebrating our independence now for over 200 years as the United States of America. We have a lot to be proud of. We have a lot to celebrate.

So today, on this 4th of July, 2012, I want to wish all of our employees across the Department of the Interior a great holiday to you and to your families. And to all of you who continue to work, especially those who are out there fighting the fires and keeping our community safe across the country, let's keep them in our thoughts and in our prayers.

Let's always be thankful of the fact that we as a United States of America have been a country that is on a march towards a more perfect union. We are the envy of the world and you, the Interior employees, are part of the reason that we are the envy of the world on so many different matters.

Thank you so much for your great work. Have a great 4th of July, and I hope to see you in my travels around the country very soon.