U.S. Department of Justice

When I Die … They’ll Send Me Home: Youth Sentenced to Life without Parole in California, An Update

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jul. 05, 2012

Library ID

  • 026072

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  • 2012
  • 34 pages

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  • When I Die … They’ll Send Me Home: Youth Sentenced to Life without Parole in California, An Update

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This report examines the sentencing of youth in California to life without parole, more or less a death sentence. This text is divided into five parts: youth sentenced to die in California prisons—troubling facts, international norms, adolescent differences from adults, financial costs, and dramatically changing legal perspectives; recommendations; parallel cases, starkly different results; changed lives; and arbitrary outcomes—plea bargaining with a teen, teens perception of time, predicting who a teenager will be at age 40, other existing sentencing law, and changes in California law reducing checks and balances.

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